Hello. You've stepped into Peanut Satisfaction. Name given by the awesomemest Eunice Reinna Chia. Peanut Satisfaction, an icon & banner site. Click here for the rules & history

Makers: Charmaine, Jess, Rin & Edlyn
The navs are stars, kiss, miss at the top bar above.
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Sunday, June 13, 2010 @ 1:33 PM
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The results are finally here! Sorry for making you guys wait.
Three peanuts out of 12 were chosen.
To those that were chosen: Congratulations!
To those who weren't: Try harder :D & SORRY!

Ami helped me with judging. (Since she's a PRO :D) Thanks!!

There was a tie for 2nd place. So, there's not third place.

First place goes to:
Jesslyn from Ninjury)

Second place goes to:
Edlyn- Blog deleted.


Rin from (Shinmatta)

Thanks & Congrats :D
The stars lean down to kiss you and I lie awake to miss you. Refresh page?